Student, Learner & Seeker Affirmations

Today’s Thought

I am not a teacher, but an awakener.
~Robert Frost


In our modern, fast-changing world, learning is no longer confined to a period of years that we call “formal education”. The world where that was possible is long gone. We don’t learn information once and it lasts us for our entire lives or careers. In fact, learning is a life-long endeavor that lasts far beyond the classroom.

Most careers require continuing education and re-education as fields change, expand, and cease to exist. Some fields change so rapidly that the information by a college freshman is out-of-date by the time that student reaches his or her junior year. This is what it means to live in the information age. We are in a constant dance with information through its conduit learning.

In fact, the most successful and happiest people are those who become students of life. They understand what Frost meant in the quote above. Frost was articulating what Oscar Wilde once wrote, “Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.”

Life is the THE teacher. Experience is THE teacher. Our “teachers” and “gurus” are merely facilitators opening our hearts and our minds to be good students of these great teachers. Knowledge is just knowledge. It is the role of the student to  be a visionary, to use knowledge to transform and transcend experience.

The affirmations in this article are targeted at the student, the learner. They encompass everyone from the second-grader learning math to the student of life seeking the meaning of life. There will be more added to this list, but this is a good start.

General Student Affirmations

  • Today and every day, my thirst for learning is alive and well in me!

  • I can learn anything! I can know anything! I can be anything!

  • This semester is MY learning experience and I take from it what is useful to me.

  • I love the challenge of finals! I am acing all my finals this semester.

  • I am a student and being a student is ALL about the possible!

  • I am a great student and getting better each and every day!

  • Learning new things is a challenge and I love challenges!

  • I am prepared for my tests. I love taking tests. Tests are a breeze for me.

  • I thrive and I succeed at school! Learning is my gateway to an abundant future.

  • When I am exposed to information that benefits me, I absorb it like a sponge!

  • Learning is life. I love learning and I am good at it!

  • Today I study hard, so tomorrow I can make my difference!

  • Education is the gateway to my future! Today I make the most of my academic opportunities.

  • Today I take charge of my education. The more I learn, the more I achieve.

  • As my demand on my thinking grows, my learning expands.

  • I am the engine of my learning!

  • I am a good learner. Learning comes easy for me!

  • My life is what I make of it and today I make it a great place to learn!

  • Today I set aside my fears and achieve all my educational goals.

  • I am smart and today I prove it!

  • A great student lives within me and today that student shows up in my classes.

  • I grow and I learn at my own pace.

  • I value my education because it prepares me for a bright and successful future.

  • I value my education because it creates a more complete me.

  • This semester is MY semester! I succeeding at a whole new level!

  • Education is the path to freedom and today I walk that path with confidence.

  • Education is my way up! Education is my way out! Education is my way through!

  • I am bigger than this test! I am better than this test! I AM acing this test!

  • I contribute to the learning environment in every way that I can.

  • I set high standards for my educational experience and I achieve them.

Student Affirmations by Category

  • Math is fun for me! Math is easy for me! Math is fun and easy for me! (Substitute class of choice)

  • In those moments when I want to give up and quit, I remember this doctoral dissertation is a doorway to my dreams.

  • I am easily and effortlessly gathering my research and documentation for an outstanding dissertation.

  • I am writing a groundbreaking dissertation that receives high praise.

  • I easily and effortlessly learning new processes at work.

  • English to Spanish! Spanish to English! I am quickly learning and applying the Spanish I learn. (Substitute your foreign language)

  • Uno, dos, tres. Spanish is as easy for me as one, two, three!

  • Grad school is the gateway to my dreams. Today I am claiming my dreams!

  • I have outstanding credentials! Any grad school would be lucky to have me!

Seeker Affirmations

  • What is mine to teach, I willingly share. What is mine to learn, I eagerly absorb.

  • Today I find the pearls of my enlightenment scattered along my path.

  • Love is my teacher and life my classroom. Today I am an honor student.

  • I am always open to learning a better way.

  • A chance to learn is a chance to grow. I love growing!

  • Learning from my morning, I make adjustments to my afternoon.

  • I hear and I know. I see and I can. I DO and I achieve.

  • Ordinary thinkers conform to the tribe. Extraordinary thinkers transform it.

  • As I transform my thinking, I make it easier for those around me to do the same!

  • Today I pledge to learn from what I don’t understand rather than fearing it!

  • I learn from every experience. I grow from every experience. I thrive on every experience.

  • I CHOOSE to move forward every day, growing and learning as I go!

  • Today I release my either/or thinking and open my mind to new possibilities!

  • I refuse to unconsciously become the past! I choose to consciously become the future.

  • Whatever I need to learn always comes my way at just the right moment.

  • Today I am choose to learn my life lessons the first time. I refuse to waste my energy learning them over and over.

Original Learning and Seeking #RayQuotes

  • One empowered mind changes a life. Many empowered minds transform the

  • Every new experience is a new opportunity.

  • The world is built from ideas, as surely as it’s built from atoms. The world can be transformed by rearranging either.

  • Some days our progress is small, but our learning is much.

  • A lesson learned is a heartache missed.

  • A lesson learned is

  • As an open leaf collects the morning dew, an open mind collects wisdom.

  • An open mind opens worlds. A closed mind stifles them.

  • An open mind is a growing mind. A closed mind is a conquered mind.

  • An open heart opens the mind. An open mind opens the world.

  • A closed mind gathers no light. An open mind thrives on light.

  • Education that flows one way is conditioning, not education. True learning is always collaborative.

  • The dogmas that you hold, hold you.

  • A little vision takes you further, faster than a lot of knowledge.

  • Actually, great minds don’t think alike. Great minds innovate and transform the status quo.

  • In every moment, your thoughts are transforming your world consciously or unconsciously. It might as well be consciously.

  • Big questions are scary things, but their answers can bring big transformation.

  • Experts tweak the status quo. It takes visionaries to transform it.

  • Authentic learning is about staring big truths in the face and refusing to blink when questioning them.

  • The tribe will always conform you until you have the courage to transform you.

  • The great learner transcends then transforms the group by pursuing truth, even at
    the expense of the group’s most cherished dogmas.

  • One empowered thought is the birthplace of a life transformed.

  • Do you create your own paradigms or are you a tenant farmer in someone eles’s paradigm?

  • Your paradigms should serve you, not the other way around.

  • Unless you awaken and think for yourself, those who control your paradigms will control you.

  • Bigger thoughts change me. Bigger actions change my life. Bigger paradigms change everything.

  • A paradigm tested by questioning is a fortress. A paradigm untested and
    unquestioned is a house of cards.

  • Learning is not a period of years in your life. It is your life. The classroom never closes.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.


Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and co-founder of 6 Sense Media. He’s been writing, recording, and using affirmations for 30 years. He's also the author of Anunnaki Awakening. He advocates for the potential of the human race. He's life-long history buff and holds a B.S. in History Education.