Tuesday Affirmations

Tuesday is the second day of the work week. It is associated with the planet Mars and the names in Latin languages reflect this - Mardi in French for instance. The name is derived from the god Tiw (Tiw's Day), a Norse god of war who is considered synonymous with the Roman war god Mars. 

As Monday is such a trauma for many people, Tuesday can get lost in the shuffle. When you are focused and motivated and achieve a great Monday, Tuesday becomes your first chance to follow up and keep the momentum going or start again.

These affirmations are written specifically to help you do just that.

  • Tuesday is my day! I always make the most of Tuesday.

  • Monday's momentum rolls right into Tuesday. I am creating an awesome week.

  • Tuesday is my second chance to start the week right. I always embrace my second chances.

  • I am building on Monday's success to create a prosperous Tuesday.

  • I seize the initiative on Tuesday while my competition recovers from their Monday hangover.

  • This is the only Tuesday I get this week and I intend to make the most of it!

  • Today I begin again to create a successful week.

  • Tuesday is my spring board to finish the week strong.

  • Today I set Monday aside and make a new start.

  • I am Tuesday person. Tuesday's are always a good day for me.

  • I won Monday and I am winning Tuesday too.

  • I am ready for whatever Tuesday brings.

  • I win Tuesday and I move on to Wednesday.

Stay inspired!


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