Soldier Affirmations

The following is a list of special affirmations for U.S. troops overseas. They were requested by a Twitter friend who was putting together care packages to send to the troops.

  • Today and every day, I do my duty with pride and honor!
  • Roadblocks are simply shortcuts to something better than I had planned.
  • My achievements are magnified when they benefit others. What I do for others I do for me.
  • Today I am committed my mission and to the best outcome for everyone!
  • I believe wholeheartedly that I am part of the solution in my life and in my world.
  • If I must be a rock so that others can cross the stream, then that will be my life’s work!
  • I am committed to giving selflessly of myself for the betterment of humanity and happiness of others. Today I do!
  • Today I am ready, willing, and able to serve!
  • Today and every day the distance between my loved ones and me is bridged by love.
  • The distance is a plus in my relationship right now. It forces communication and communication builds trust between us.
  • I refuse to be jaded by what I see today! There is hope for humanity and I am a part of it!
  • God’s love flows through my entire being each and every moment all day long.
  • Today and every day, I am one day closer to going home!
  • Today I am digging deep, reaching high, and achieving great things!
  • Even in adversity, I am strong. Even when my dreams must change, I dream anew. Today my dreams are strong and SO AM I!
  • A challenge only becomes an obstacle when I bow to it!
  • I struggle, but I grow. I fall, but I get up. Even amid adversity, I succeed and I prosper.
  • Every setback has within it the seeds of a massive triumph.
  • I play a key part each and every day in making my team the best it can be.
  • We work together as a team. We win together as a team. The more we focus on the team the more success we achieve.
  • Breath by breath I am releasing my anger. Breathing in I feel peace, breathing out I release anger. Peace in, anger out.
  • Breath by breath, I am breathing in joy breathing out sadness. Joy in…sadness out. joy in…sadness out.
  • I refuse to let my frustrations rule me! I take what I need from the experience and release my frustrations!
  • Whatever anger rules anger destroys. I refuse to let it rule me!
  • Day by day, love wins a resolute victory over fear in my life!

Stay strong!