15 Affirmations for Healing Your Relationship with Money (MP3 Download)

15 Affirmations for Healing Your Relationship with Money (MP3 Download)


Run Time: 2:22
Voice: Male
Type: Listen anytime.

Do you have negative conditioning around money? I know I did. It’s been something I’ve battled with for much of my adult life. Finally, I understood that money is just a tool that we use in our lives and nothing more.

These affirmations, listened regularly, help you overcome your negative conditioning around money and heal your relationship with it.

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Here’s a video sample of this recording. The actual audio is longer and includes eight additional affirmations. Run Time is about 3 minutes. It’s the perfect length to squeeze into your busy day. Start making peace with money in your life. This recording can be listened to anywhere - in the car, working out, or while you’re working. Because it’s short, you can listen to it on repeat to get more repetitions.

Listen regularly for three weeks to get the affirmations firmly planted in your subconscious and then use periodically, as needed.