Confidence Mantra (Download)

Confidence Mantra (Download)

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The Confidence Mantra is my all-time #2 download and my personal favorite. I have used the affirmations in this mantra to tremendous effect in my life for many years.

The cycling music is relaxing and hypnotic and helps the affirmations to slip easily in to your consciousness. Each affirmation is recorded in the first and second person for maximum impact. The words confidence and always are repeated dozens of times during the recording to magnify the affirmations. The recording provides a quiet assurance that everything comes to you precisely when you need it. There is an amazing peace that results of the recognition of that process in your life.

Runtime: 16:18

Here are the affirmations.  (only first-person version listed)

  1. I AM confident.

  2. The doors that need to open always open for me.

  3. Whatever I need comes my way.

  4. The information I need always appears exactly when I need it.

  5. The people I need to meet always come my way.

Listen to these affirmations by watching the video here on the website or download the MP3 for your personal playlist.