Confidence and Discipline Affirmations (Download)

Confidence and Discipline Affirmations (Download)

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This 15-minute recording focuses on confidence, self-discipline, self-mastery. It’s set to relaxing music and can be listened to while resting or sleeping or during regular daily activity. For best results listen regularly. Following are the affirmations repeated many times each. Allow them to infuse your consciousness and become your own thoughts.

Runtime: 15:30

  1. Right here, right now I make my stand for who I am.

  2. The doors that need to open always open for me.

  3. Today I release mindsets that hold me back.

  4. I master myself and my world follows.

  5. Today I can, I know I can, and I am!

You can listen to the affirmations as often as you want by watching this video or you can download a MP3 copy for your own playlist.