Creativity Affirmations


Remember those blissful moments of childhood before you feared what other people thought. You were a creative machine. What created came from within and you weren’t worried that you weren’t good enough.

Given determination and the right platform, I believe a creative genius lives within each of us. These affirmations are written to help push yours out into the light of day. A world and an audience is eager for what you have to share.

So, go and create! There are no right ways or wrong ways. There’s the drumbeat of your inner voice ready to express itself in the form of your choosing.

  • I AM a creative genius!

  • Today I am open to the creative flow of the Universe and I allow it flow through me.

  • I am an exceptionally creative person who constantly pushes the possibility envelope!

  • I create with the heart of a child, without judgment or fear!

  • Today and every day, I allow my creativity to flow.

  • I live to create and today I do!

  • I am a creative powerhouse! I generate one incredible idea after another!

  • My creativity attracts the attention of others.

  • Whenever my creativity slows, I know its setting me up for BIG breakthrough.

  • My creativity brings joy to my life!

  • Today I convert my creativity into a revenue-generating business!

  • My creativity follows my vision and my vision follows my heart.

  • I am a creative force of nature! I am constantly bringing my visions into reality.

  • I honor my creativity and the creativity of those around me.

  • My creativity is beautiful. My creativity is empowering. My creativity makes a difference.

  • Whenever I follow my creativity, good things happen.

  • Today I am the hands and eyes of the creative forces around me.

  • I dare my creativity and it always rewards me!

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis

The Affirmation Spot