Confidence Affirmations

Today's Quote
"There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do."
~ Marianne Williamson


Today I am featuring some affirmations on confidence. Confidence is so important to success. Confidence is not a house we build once in our lives and reside blissfully there forever. It is a quality we must constantly nourish and an encourage.

It waxes and wanes depending on the circumstances. The reasons for that are many. Our past experiences, learned beliefs and responses, and people around us can all influence how confident we are - in general and in particular circumstances. Well, let's be more accurate. Those conditions can dent our confidence, if we give them the power to do so.

We have a choice. We have the ability, as Wayne Dyer says, "To be free of the good opinions of others." We can create a self that does not allow circumstances to diminish our confidence and resign us to mediocrity and inaction.

Some people fear that confidence borders too much on egotism, boastfulness, or conceit. They are concerned that it's prideful and somehow not in keeping with their spiritual beliefs. The truth is confidence is none of these things. Confidence is simply developing an internal sense of the sovereignty you have to be the person you are and have the things you want. It is not about mistreating others or thinking you're better than them. The truly confident person encourages others to claim their confident nature too.

Here are some affirmations to stir and build your confidence. They speak to many different situations and to people at different levels of confidence. Choose the ones that speak to you and make you feel better.

  1. Today I AM the person I came to this planet to be!

  2. I came here to be a great and conscious being and so that is what I am.

  3. Today I AM confidence armored with the power of my beliefs and strength of my abilities.

  4. Life is about choices and today I am making all the right choices for me!

  5. I am always a great bet! Today I am making it happen!

  6. I am bigger than any doubt, bolder than any fear, and stronger any obstacle!

  7. Today I stand up! Today I stand strong! Today I stand out!

  8. Today a pandemic of confidence spreads through my every thought and action!

  9. I am undeniably amazing!

  10. I CAN! I know I CAN! And today I AM!

  11. My endeavors impact things positively! I AM a difference-maker!

  12. Today I am confident because I KNOW my best days are ahead of me!

  13. Today my life blooms in ten shades of awesome!

  14. I bring a balanced attack of talent, intelligence, and creativity to every endeavor!

  15. Given the choice to be popular or be myself; I CHOOSE to be myself!

  16. Today is my day! I am rushing like a tsunami unstoppably towards my goals!

  17. I bring value to every interaction I am part of today!

  18. I am a find-a-way, make-a-way person! Anything is possible for me!

  19. Opportunities are multiplying for me as far as the eye can see!

  20. Today I bring my A-Game to everything I do!

  21. Today I win the battle in my mind the world becomes a push over!

  22. Every single time I feel I am 'less than', I remind myself that I am a one-in--a-trillion miracle.

  23. My confidence is sky high and I have the talent, skills, and determination to back it up.

  24. Today I shine with the full glory and brilliance of a summer Sun.

  25. I am a powerful being with a purpose to fulfill. Today I am fulfilling it!

  26. Breathing in, I feel confident. Breathing out, I am confidence.

  27. Being who I am is a blessing and a rush. There's no one else I'd rather be!

  28. I have a vision for my life! I have potential and possibility and today I am living up to it!

  29. Whatever this day brings, I can and I do handle it!

  30. Today I silence my doubts, ignore my critics, and follow my intuition and talents to my dreams.

  31. My life is going places today! One word keeps running through my mind. YES! YES! YES!

  32. A highly confident, highly competent person lives within me. Today that person shows up in my life!

  33. I have experienced this situation many times before and I will handle it brilliantly!

  34. My vision is clear! My mind is determined! MY moment has arrived!

  35. I am a great starter and a better finisher!

  36. I look people I meet squarely in the eye, firmly shake their hand, and see myself as their equal.

  37. Breathing in, I feel my anxiety. Breathing out, I choose my confidence!

  38. Today is my day! I am generating a winner's momentum to carry me through to success.

  39. Today I take pride in my business and my skills. How dare I deny the world my gifts by acting small!

  40. Today and forever I release my doubts about promoting what I do. I have a great gift to give and today I give it!

  41. Today I am eliminating the word impossible from my vocabulary. I am 100% possible!

  42. I am a model of peace and tranquility. I remain, in all circumstances, calm, cool, confident, and collected.

  43. Today I am giving the world the gift of the real me!

  44. I handle my responsibilities with confidence and joy.

  45. I have the mental strength, emotional stability, and balance necessary to deal effectively with my challenges.

  46. I am a rising star! Good things are on the way for me.

  47. Today I am a stronger person than I was yesterday. Tomorrow I will be even stronger.

  48. I am going BIG because I am NOT going home!

  49. Today I am sharing my talents with a world thirsty for what I have to offer.

  50. I have the inner resources to face whatever comes my way!

  51. Nothing can stop me when I bring my A game! I always bring my A game!

  52. I am a goal setter. I am a trend setter. I am a paradigm shifter.

  53. The higher I climb, the brighter I shine!

  54. I AM courage! I AM wisdom! I AM strength. I AM able to handle what life sends me today!

  55. When I feel helpless I remember I AM powerful. When I feel weak I remember I AM strong!

  56. When the game is on the line, I am at the top my game!

Ray Davis