The Cosmetologist Affirmations Page

Today's Quore
"Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror."
~Kahlil Gibran

Anything can be affirmed. A few years ago, I asked my Twitter followers suggest careers they would like me to write some affirmations about and post here on the blog. Several people requested Cosmetology.

In 2008, I Googled "cosmetology affirmations" and got no results. As far as I can tell, this was the first attempt to write affirmations for this career. So, today we have affirmations for cosmetologists.

  1. I practice beauty on myself and I perfect beauty on my customers.

  2. I am a great hair stylist and today my work proves it.

  3. When it comes to hair, I am a creative genius.

  4. Cosmetology is my passion and following that passion brings me success.

  5. Today I visualize a successful beauty shop and tomorrow it is mine.

  6. I earn my clients' business by exceeding their expectations.

  7. Beauty is my business, and I am beautiful from the inside out.

  8. I make the time spent in my chair, the best minutes of my customer's day.

  9. I am a beauty expert. I exude beauty. I teach beauty. I share beauty.

  10. While others do nails, I create nail trends.

  11. A head of hair is my canvass and I am an amazing artist.

  12. I am a great stylist. My styles are attracting real buzz. I am in high demand.

  13. I am a Hollywood stylist in the making.

  14. My styles are destined for the covers of magazines.

  15. A satisfied customer is my greatest reward.

  16. I am am a great make up artist on my way to being world-class.

  17. I am a world-class hair stylist! My cuts are fresh and innovative.

  18. I am destined to be a hairdresser to the stars.

  19. When I connect with my customers, I retain my customers.

  20. I succeed by helping my customers look great.

  21. My customers rely on me to make them look good and I always come through.

  22. I build relationships of trust with my clients. They buy me, not the haircut.

  23. My business is making people look good. When they look good, I look good.

  24. When I think about quitting, I remember why I started.

  25. My business grows every day by word-of-mouth.

  26. I am a master at bringing out my client’s inner beauty.