Even Though

Even though they throw the kitchen sink in the path to my dreams, I won’t stop,

Even though I sometimes feel small and alone, I won’t give up.

Even though my worst parts sometimes get the best of me, I keep aspiring to be better.

Even though I face doubters and haters, I still believe.

Even though adversity and setback knock at my door, I will prevail.

Even though sickness and death eventually will come for me, I live this moment, this day, this life with zest.

Even though this form I inhabit is temporary, I am one with the power that beats hearts and spins galaxies.

Even though no one remembers my contributions, I will incessantly contribute anyway.

Our road is not always easy, but it is our road. Our dreams sometimes seem far away, but we have been one with them from the beginning.

There is no stopping someone who won’t be stopped.

Just in case no one else reminds you today, you are awesome!
