Heroic Acts

What constitutes a heroic act? One thing’s clear. It’s different acts for different people.

Some may do deeds in front of the whole world, astounding the masses and earning accolades. There’s not a thing wrong with this. It’s simply not the only way to commit heroic acts.

Some people act quietly and purposely away from the spotlight, but achieve enormous good.

For someone battling COVID or cancer or struggling with chronic conditions, a heroic act may just be getting out of bed today.

For someone who’s been victimized or horribly wronged, the act of trusting people again is a heroic act.

For the addict, saying no to one drink, one hit, or one bet is heroic.

Heroic acts come in all shapes and sizes and can be very situational. That’s why I argue with conviction we all have been heroes at one time or another. We all have a hero within us.

Don’t allow the great and public acts of heroism, deserving of praise as they are, diminish or discourage your small act of heroism where you are right now.

They all add up. Every heroic act makes someone’s life or the world a better place.

Appreciate the heroes around you. Own and embody your hero within.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you are awesome!
