Humanity Awakens One Person at a Time Starting with You


The word awakening is thrown around a lot these days. People are always imploring others to “wake up” to this idea or that.

What is awakening, really? Awakening is more than recognizing the world is not ordered in a way to benefit ordinary human beings, though that’s a start. It’s more than realizing there’s a cabal of people driving much of the chaos and angst on our planet, though that’s true. It’s more than being angry about these things and ranting and raging about them because the end result of that, at best, is to replace one angry system with another.

If you understand all these things, you’ve got one eye uncovered. 

Maybe you’ve picked up on the alien involvement in our civilization from the get-go and how these gods small g substituted themselves in place of the true intelligence behind this multiverse. Maybe you’ve identified how they enslaved humanity’s mind, made us feel unworthy and sinful for being who we are, and threatened us with judgement and damnation. Maybe you’ve noticed how these mindsets figure into to the bloody headlines in our world today and millions of people feeling hopeless and not reaching their potential. Maybe you see its ultimate expression – a rampant blaming and hatred of our own species that leads only to us implementing our destruction for the puppet masters.

You’re starting to uncover the second eye.

Full awakening comes when we realize that we are more than the witnesses to the problems. We are the carriers of the solutions. We aren’t here in this time and place to hasten the destruction of the human race. We’re here to bring about a transformation that releases the literal and mental shackles, ends the divisions we’ve been handed to keep us weak, and allows us to take our rightful place among the sentient beings in this galaxy.

If you’re still stuck in let’s get mad, let’s burn this baby down, that’s a natural first reaction to becoming aware, but it’s not being awake. We are here to create, here to transform, here to tip the balance from fear to love.

When your mind and your heart arrive at that realization. When your hands and your feet work at it every day, that’s awakening. That’s you being the person you came here to be and making the difference you came here to make.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.

Ray Davis