19 Andrew Yang Quotes


Andrew Yang (1975-present) is an author, futurist, venture capitalist, and Universal Basic Income (UBI) advocate. Yang significantly exceeded expectations during his bid for the Democratic Party nomination for president in 2020. Yang’s campaign spawned the #YangGang, a real force to be reckoned with in the online debate over policy issues.

Yang’s supporters are noted for wearing MATH (Make America Think Harder) hats. His policy platform was filled with innovative ideas and warned of the coming economic cataclysm that will be caused as AI and machines begin doing more and more human jobs. He frequently quipped that, “The opposite of Trump is an Asian man who likes math.”

He’s also famous for his to-the-point analysis on social media and for a motivational outlook and vision. Here are some of his most motivational quotes.

  • I'm a capitalist, and I believe that universal basic income is necessary for capitalism to continue.

  • The United States should provide an annual income of $12,000 for each American aged 18–64, with the amount indexed to increase with inflation.

  • We must make the market serve humanity rather than have humanity continue to serve the market.

  • You must be the wave that helps give our entire nation a new way forward and gives millions of parents the ability to look our children in their eyes and say with truth in our hearts your country loves you, your country values you, and you’re going to be alright.

  • If I need a pick-me-up, I pull up a memo file on my phone and type in three things I'm grateful for. The things I've typed on other days are still there. It's a long list. Always helps.

  • As a society, we can't hide from the future; we have to build and own it.

  • The future without jobs will come to resemble either the cultivated benevolence of Star Trek or the desperate scramble for resources of Mad Max.

  • Scarcity will not save us. Abundance will.

  • There’s a big distinction between humans as humans and humans as workers. The former are indispensable. The latter may not be.

  • The challenge we must overcome is that humans need work more than work needs us.

  • There is limited or no market reward at present for keeping families together, upgrading infrastructure, lifelong education, preventative care, or improving democracy.

  • Time only flows in one direction, and progress is a good thing as long as its benefits are shared.

  • Are we not, as the citizens of the United States, the owners of this country?

  • College is being dramatically overprescribed and oversold as the answer to all of our job-related economic problems.

  • The subsistence and scarcity model is grinding more and more people up. Preserving it is the thing we must give up first.

  • The logic of the meritocracy is leading us to ruin, because we are collectively primed to ignore the voices of the millions getting pushed into economic distress by the grinding wheels of automation and innovation. We figure they’re complaining or suffering because they’re losers.

  • The revolution will happen either before or after the breakdown of society. We must choose before.

  • This (Universal Basic Income) is not socialism. This is capitalism where income doesnt start at zero.