Put Joy on Your Daily Calendar - Day 322 of 365 Days to a Better You

Lord knows you have enough stressful obligations each day. You have meetings at work you must attend even though you have, well, actual work to do. You break yourself to be there to support others by attending their events. It's not a bad thing and you want to do it, but you often have to bend your schedule into pretzels to make it happen. There's that dentist appointment that's coming up. Then your car's alternator decides now is the moment to go out.The point is you have planned and unplanned events on your calendar that push your buttons, create stress, and make things a little darn harder then they need to be. To some extent, this is life. Yet, you need to find ways to mitigate the stressful and bring more of the good into your day.I heard a simple and fantastic strategy from Brendon Buchard. Every morning, every morning before 9 a.m. schedule some joy into your day. Plan to do something for you; something that truly brings you joy. Write it into your calendar for a firm time that day and when that t8me comes, stop what you're whatever else you're doing and do that thing that adds joy to your day.By having it on the calendar early in the day, you commit yourself to it and the expectation adds to the positive experience.I thought this was a fantastic idea and I'm adding it to my daily routine immediately. I hope you will too.Just in case no one has reminded you today, you ARE awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal