Life-Work Balance - Day 323 of 365 Days to a Better You

Let’s start by acknowledging the bias of the popular phrase work-life balance. The conditioning clearly places the emphasis on work. We’ll begin by flipping these two into their proper perspective. Work is something you fit into your life. Life is not something you live around work.Certainly, there are companies that have an authentic concern for their employees’ well-being. If you work for one, congratulations. Most companies today give lip-service to life-work balance. It’s kind of politically correct to say it. The main thrust, though, seems to be rejuvenating yourself so you can get back on the job and contribute to the bottom line.The fact is, with our 24/7 devices, most 21st century employees only get the life-work balance they create for themselves.This is not an attack on going after your career goals. It is a reminder that your career goals are a part of you. They are not you.These affirmations help you to focus on maintaining your life-work balance. Use the ones that resonate with you.

  1. I give my job a solid 8. The rest belongs to me!
  2. I have a job, but I refuse to let my job have me!
  3. In the balance between life and work, I choose life!
  4. I work hard and I claim my just rewards for my hard work!
  5. Today and every day, I make time for career AND personal success!
  6. Today I make time for work and time for me!
  7. I am a high-achiever, but when I need downtime I recognize it and I take it!
  • You’re in the driver’s seat in your life. Don’t just go along for the ride!
  • Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you're awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal