A Peace to End All Wars - Day 321 of 365 Days to a Better You

They called World War I "the war to end all wars." This was a wrong-headed idea from the beginning. War can never and will never end war. One hundred years later our civilization still buys into the idea that conflict can end conflict. Time and again, this premise has been demonstrated to be false. Yet, we're still at it.The truth has forever stared us in the face. Buddha said it 2500 years ago."For hatred never ceases by hatred. Hatred ceases by love."Five hundred years later Jesus counseled, "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..."Yet, here we are still trying quench hatred and violence with hatred and violence. Here we are still cursing each other as enemies.President Kennedy made a bold and insightful statement nearly 60 years ago. Never has it been more apt than right now. "Mankind must put and end to war or war will put an end to mankind."We've talked multiple times during our journey together about the need for an empowering foundation and a nourishing environment. War, hatred, and violence are the antithesis of that environment. So, issues of war and peace are fundamental to any personal development we hope to pursue.Our society is the result of the cumulative thinking of us all. If we have perpetual war, it's because that's the mindset that dominates our consciousness as a whole.Understanding the beneficial nature of peace to our own development, it behooves us to break the conditioning and become tireless advocates for peace and the changed mindsets that can support it.A peaceful world is more than a nice aspiration. It's now a prerequisite for human survival and our next steps out into the galaxy. Let us all strive to create a peace to end all wars because that's all that ever will.In case no one else reminded you today, you're awesome!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal