RayQuotes #8 - Cost Quotes

I searched Twitter for quotes I've coined over the years around the word cost. We usually think of cost in terms of money. These quotes focus on the costs of our mindsets. My wish is that you'll find a few of them useful in your life.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal 

  • It costs nothing to believe in yourself and everything not to.
  • Intelligent risk IS the cost of reward in our Universe.
  • Comfort zones are expensive. They are rented at the cost of lost dreams.
  • We live in a Universe where risk is the cost of reward. To risk nothing, is to lose everything.
  • The cost of happiness is to CHOOSE it.
  • Negative thinking has a cost. How many opportunities and successes have you lost in your life due to negative thinking?
  • You can't put a cost on failing to go after your dreams, but its a price you don't want to pay.
  • Playing it safe will keep you safe from every dream you have. We live in a Universe where risk is the cost of reward.
  • The skeptic wins every debate in his mind at the cost of every dream in his heart.
  • The need to be right at any cost soon bankrupts your life.
  • Cost-focus is a failed mindset. Successful people focus on the return on their investments.
  • Failure is free, but risk is always the cost of success.
  • Believing is always the cost of succeeding.
  • The cost of freedom is to want it more than the tyranny required to keep you 100% safe.