Get Curious Again - Day 254 of 365 Days to a Better You

Curiosity - a strong desire to know or learn something. Do you remember when that was you? Every day was an adventure in discovery. The world was a big place with so much to learn and to know.Then, one day, you knew everything or at least you thought you knew enough. You stopped being curious and started hardening into routine, dogma, and complacency. You stopped asking WHY? You stopped questioning all together and you accepted the faulty notion that "It is what it is."The great John Wooden once said,"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts."There's more to know than the consensus. There are horizons to explore beyond where they convinced you to stop and be satisfied. If "they" have it all figured out, then why aren't more people happy, abundant, and enlightened?You can stay put, blend in, and keep the rest of the herd comfortable by not challenging their paradigms. Or, you can reclaim your curiosity and be the amazing, dare I say, extraordinary human being you cam to the planet to be.What's the reward? Joseph Campbell nailed it when he wrote, "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."The magic, you see, is transcending the limits of logic, seeing beyond the numbers of the equations, and through to the deeper reality beneath.You were born to go there. We all were. Wondering where the insight will come from? Worry not, my friend! Remember the old aphorism. "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."Always be ready. Always be curious and just watch what happens.Thank YOU for spending a few more minutes of your valuable time reading the blog. If you find value, please share it with someone else who might too!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal