14 Beliefs That Keep You Broke and Helpless & How to Empower Yourself

Your thinking is a huge factor in how healthy, wealthy, and happy you are in life. There are several belief systems or mindsets that I encounter regularly that will keep you broke and helpless. The significance of this was brought to my attention again recently when a friend of mine said, "I don't have any dreams. I've just never been that kind of person.

"Often these self-destructive mindsets are passed from generation to generation. Parents consciously or unconsciously pass them to children who pass them to their children. Soon, there is a whole momentum for failure, defeat, and a loss of hope.

When these thoughts become the persistent and dominant lens through which you see your world, then they become self-defeating. You received these mindsets from someone influential in your life who was conditioned into these thought patterns and passed them along to you as part of your "mental DNA".Stop thinking these thoughts and replace them with something more positive and productive that moves you forward, empowers you, and enriches your life physically, financially, and spiritually.

  1. Believing in myself, my greatness, or my potential is conceited, selfish, or unholy.

  2. There is something wrong with receiving compensation for my talents outside the confines of a job.

  3. God will do it for me. (Believe in God or the Universe but don't expect him do it for you.)

  4. Government will do it for me.

  5. Successful people are just lucky.

  6. Things never go my way. I'm just meant to fail. I don't have what it takes to succeed.

  7. That's just the way things are. They always have been and they always will be.

  8. I don't need to change, adapt, or improve. I will keep doing things the way I have always done them.

  9. Let me just watch my TV shows one more week and then I will spend time on my dreams.

  10. My circumstances are someone else's fault. My life is built on chances not choices.

  11. Playing the victim in any way, shape, or form. Every time you play the victim you victimize yourself again.

  12. Waiting for the "perfect" moment to take action.

  13. Expecting storybook endings that magically occur.

  14. The belief that you must have everything right now, even if it means becoming a high-interest debt slave.

Reduce or eliminate these mindsets and you are well on the road to being less helpless and more financially successfully.I love you all and wish you only the best this week. Let's maintain better mindsets and change our lives!
