A 10-Year New “Manhattan Project” That Could Change Human Destiny - Day 231 of 365 Days to a Better You

I'm a firm believer that human beings are capable of tackling and defeating the biggest challenges that face us. I think you'd have to agree that a world where everyone is better off - even abundant - is a world where you and I are better off.What we have lacked is concrete ideas to move us there and the will to pursue them. Today I put forward to all of you inspired by Star Trek and Nikolai Tesla. It's ambitious, but I believe with enough resources and determination it's doable.I'd love to hear your thoughtful replies and tweaks to the idea.Think BIG!RayProposed for Your ConsiderationThe United States should pull $200 billion per year in excess Pentagon spending for the next 10 years and invest it in three Manhattan-like projects to develop Star Trek tech and on to develop Tesla tech.Upon success, the technologies should be open source and given to the human race as gifts from the American people.All three would significantly reduce the stresses and conflict on our planet by ending food and energy scarcity - the two biggest barriers to human well-being - and increase human freedom.Project #1The United States gives the best minds relatively unlimited resources for 10 years to develop Star Trek food replicator technology. For those of you that don’t know, in Star Trek food needs are met by creating food using energy to replicate it. People haven’t stopped growing and eating real food, but food scarcity is permanently eliminated. Thus, eliminating one of the primary challenges to human, development, and well-being.Project # 2Develop Star Trek transporter technology. This has already been achieved at a rudimentary level. With massive research and focus, I believe we can achieve. It would basically be a more advanced version but likely along the same lines of tech as the first project. It’s a matter of being able to achieve it with beings as completely,ex as us. This would do wonders for traffic jams, pollution, and other transportation woes. People and good could be shipped instantaneously. This would immeasurably increase human freedom and mobility.Project #3Nikolai Tesla claimed he’d developed a method of pulling energy literally right out of thin air. There’s tons of evidence he achieved this. It’s been called “zero point energy.” There’s a lot of evidence that modern cell phone tech is at least partially based on this Tesla research. This technology would put an inexhaustible source of energy in the hands of every person on the planet.I think you’ll agree any one of these inventions, much more all three, would fundamentally and forever end eliminate the need for the control systems we call political and economic systems - EVERY single one of which is based on a scarcity of resources and result in massive disparity, injustice, lack of personal sovereignty.Famines and hunger gone. The need, if not the desire, for war gone. Tons of criminality, stress, and suffering gone. Debates about how we divide limited resources gone. Fossil fuels and the political and environmental problems they cause gone.Every human has all the food they need. Societies would now be able to afford to grant every citizen education, healthcare, and housing. This would allow every human on the planet to spend more of his her life developing themselves and benefiting humanity.We have or are in the verge of having the tech. We have the resources. The question is do we have the will and morality to do it or are we truly addicted to these scarcity systems that perpetuate conflict, disparity, and suffering?RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal