Are You Choosing Your Paradigms - Day 230 of 365 Days to a Better You

Do you create your own paradigms or are you a tenant farmer for someone eles's paradigms? What do I mean?I've noted that there are three kinds of people when it comes to paradigms.

  1. Buyers - There are people who buy completely into their inherited cultural paradigms. Their country is the best. Their inherited religion is the best. Their inherited political party is the best, etc. They've never considered another point of view for a second or questioned their own assumptions.
  2. Rejectors - There are people who have thought a little more about it. Their solution is to completely reject every inherited paradigm and believe something as totally opposite as they can find.
  3. Seekers - There is a third group that has thought more deeply than either of the other two. It doesn't mean they're more correct than the other two. It simply means they've put their inherited paradigms to the test rather merely accepting them at face value. They've avoided or transcended the impulse to simply reject them. They've taken what works through testing and applied that to their life. They've staked out their own ground, their own paradigm.

I'm not judging any of the groups. Each can find their way in this world. Experience tells me these groups break down about 75 percent, 20 percent, five percent respectively.The easiest road is to be the buyer. You get plenty of emotional support and reinforcement in your circle for making that choice and staying true to it. You are, though, what I called above a tenant farmer living on ideas decided upon by others for you.It's harder to break free from the gravity of the buyer impulse and become a rejector. You set yourself up for social ostracism and lack of understanding from family and friends in the buyer category. You feel like a rebel, but you still haven't chosen anything. You've only wholesale rejected the buyers in your culture. Thus, your paradigm is still decided by theirs because you're going to reject it whatever it is.Seekers are people who saw through the provincialism of the buyer mindset. No one group has all the good ideas. They probably passed through a rejector stage where they used rejection to break free. Eventually, though, they evolved to a thought-space of their own choosing. It was born from experience, trial and error, and insight.Seekers may not be enlightened beings yet, but they have taken the two critical steps on that road.So, I ask you again. Do you create your own paradigms or are you a tenant farmer for someone eles's paradigms?I deeply appreciate you stopping by and spending part of your day on this blog. You're awesome!Find your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal