10 Reasons for Optimism Today - Day 207 of 365 Days to a Better You

Hello, my friends. When you think about it, there's always reasons close by for optimism.

  1. You woke up this morning. You can't start better than that.
  2. You have freedom of choice. Your life is built of your choices. You are free to change yours, if you want a change in your life.
  3. People facing your exact challenges or worse have succeeded and thrived anyway.
  4. You're a day wiser than you were yesterday.
  5. When you really stop and look, there are tiny miracles going on everywhere around you. Make it a point to notice.
  6. There is inspiration for the life you want everywhere. Drink it in.
  7. Love. Despite all the ugliness in the world, love still wins.
  8. You're you and that's damn sure more than enough.
  9. Forgiving and receiving forgiveness are still options.
  10. You have a big dream. You have all you need within you to achieve it. You have help from the universe coming from all directions.

Don't allow the negatives and naysayers to steal your optimism. Don't allow setbacks to steal your dreams. Don't allow the end of one dream to be the end of dreaming. You're made for BIG things. Keep your focus on the good and the good will multiply.You're one in a trillion. I'm glad to know you!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal