Daily Video Affirmation #31 - Mass Shooting Affirmation

This weekend's shootings are again a wake up call that we have a lot of work to do bring about the society we want. They're a reminder that mindsets and beliefs do matter and when a person convinces themselves they have a right to harm others because of their mindsets, it crosses a line that we will not tolerate as a society.Horrific events like this are not just about the shooters and the victims, though. They quickly become about all of us and the kind people we are and the kind of society we want to be.Hatred and anger are as easy as falling off a log. Any person can get mad, get angry, and add to the destruction. It takes wisdom, courage, and enlightenment to vibe higher in circumstances like these. Some say it's weak or pointless. They claim we must get angry and get even. I disagree. That's what's been driving humanity for the past 10,000 years. That's the energy that has created this world and mindsets that allow someone to walk into place with other human beings and start shooting them. If we want change, we must be the ones - you and me - to say no more! We must be the ones to change the vibration in our lives, in our communities, online, and around the world.Today's affirmation is about encouraging you maintain a higher vibration in the face of these events. No words can bring back the dead or comfort those who lost loved ones. The best way to honor them is to create world where such actions are unthinkable.[youtube https://youtu.be/fcrbByWtdSw]It's another opportunity to be the change you want to see in the world!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal Image: St. Louis Public Radio