Trust Your Instincts - Day 208 of 365 Days to a Better You

Have you ever noticed how often your first instinct was right? Have had an impulse to take a certain course only to overthink it and choose something that didn't work out as well? We've all done it and we've done it repeatedly.Look nothing's 100 percent, but our instinct - that first impulse when we're faced with a choice - has it's advantages over what comes next. It's not limited or filtered or justified. In many ways, it's more completely connected to who you really are and to your connection to the vast wisdom of the universe.Beyond that impulse, shoulds and fears and various forms of conditioning start to mold and shape your decision until it's barely recognizable as yours.I'm not suggesting that you be anti-intellectual and refuse to think or consider all possibilities. Only that you recognize the value, the wisdom, and authenticity that first impulse emits and that you give it a fair chance to inform your choices.ExamplesExamples could go from the very simple to the very significant decisions in your life.

  • You wake up one morning and think, I should go to work a different way today. Quickly, your rational mind starts demanding answers as to why you should change. The way you usually goes works fine. Why mess with it? Is your intuition just trying to mix up or is sharing profoundly important information? The only way to know is to take it up on its suggestion.
  • You've got two job offers. All the data says take one job, but your intuition is loudly objecting that you should take the other. Which is right? Either could be right, but it's fair to ask why your unfiltered, authentic self is suggesting you go against the data. Is something amazing waiting for you on the other side of that choice?

Ultimately, we choose a path. Hindsight is often the only gauge to see which was the better choice. Yet, I'll bet you've regretted not following your instinct many more times than you have rejecting something you overthought.Just sayin'.Today's video affirmation encourages you to follow your instincts.[youtube]Trust, young Skywalker, trust!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal