10 Ways to Get More Joy from Life TODAY - Day 206 of 365 Days to a Better You

Are you looking for more joy? Here are 10 simple things you can do right now to add more joy to your life today.

  1. Connect to the breath of life - several times today literally stop what you're doing and breathe in and out consciously.
  2. Connect to the cycle of nature - watch the sun rise, watch the sun set, or better yet both.
  3. Connect with the people around you - make it a point to make eye contact with and smile at the people you interact with today.
  4. Dream a little dream - take five minutes today to literally daydream about your biggest dream. Let it flood your consciousness. See yourself with your dream as a complete reality. Plan or take a next step to move you toward its realization.
  5. Laugh out loud - find something that lineally makes you laugh out loud and fully enjoy that moment.
  6. Release a negative - forgive someone, let go of some mental baggage, debunk a negative thought. If it helps make it more real, write what you're releasing on a piece of paper and burn it.
  7. Stop and smell the flowers - literally stop and smell a flower or some other way to connect with the nature around you.
  8. Put others first - there are a hundred chances a day to let someone else go ahead of you. Make a point to do it at least five times - traffic, line at the store, etc. spread a little kindness. It feels good and makes the world a little better.
  9. Get perspective - there are horrible things going on in the world. Take time to notice there are a thousand wonderful things happening around you for every negative.
  10. Reflect - when your day is through, focus on all the good that you put into the world today and all of the good you received.

The world is filled with joy for the taking every day. Be sure to claim your share.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal