Protect Your Belief in the Goodness of Humanity - Day 199 of 365 Days to a Better You

Turn on the evening news and you will immediately be given 30 minutes of reasons to fear, mistrust, and despise humanity. Go on Twitter for an hour and you'll quickly find people absolutely willing to say anything, tear down anything or anyone. It's all enough to make you lose faith in humanity.Throw in the occasional big company greed swooping into your life to take something from you and you're liable to right off the deep end with Mark Twain who once wrote, "“Well, there are times when one would like to hang the whole human race and finish the farce.”I get it. I feel it sometimes myself. The greed, selfishness, and lack of compassion is enough to make you want to scream.Stop! Look around you. See the kindness going on everywhere in your world today. See people doing selfless things. See people going the extra mile without any benefit to themselves.I think we've been taught to tune into the negative "stations" of human activity by the popular culture. It has caused us to lose sight of the thousand thoughtful, loving, joyful things people have done for every heinous act.It really comes down to which you choose to notice, focus on, and buy into. Yes. Ugly things happen in the world every day. We can be a savage, juvenile species. However, there's a beauty and an amazing potential that lives within us too.Which wolf wins? As the old Native American tale says about the two wolves reminds us, "the one we feed." Seeing a happier world makes a happier you.Be the amazing person you are today and notice all the amazing people and selfless acts that literally fill the world. You'll restore you faith in humanity.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal