What You Focus on Expands - Day 200 of 365 Days to a Better You

I was watching an Abraham Hicks video yesterday and it reminded me of a basic and important principle. What you focus on expands. There are a million quotes out there from teachers and saints concurring with this idea.You've noticed this principle at play, even by accident. You buy a car and suddenly you see them everywhere when you didn't before.There's a great quote in the linked video that I want to share."You can’t talk about why the drought is unpleasant and attract the rain. You can’t talk about what’s missing and allow what’s missing to be fulfilled."It's a very eloquent way of talking about this principle. When you get in complaining mode (raising my hand), you are less able to manifest what you DO want in your life. When you focus on the negative or what's going wrong, by definition, that's what expands. On the other hand, focus on what you want and you see more of that.The universe is not a giant ATM, but it does give you experiences that match your energy. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened for you.When you focus on the negative you're inviting your conscious mind to identify more negative. Keep your energy focused on attracting what you seek and watch that expand like your new Prius at the stop light.All my best for an amazing Saturday, my friends!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal