Grow Grow - Day 196 of 365 Days to a Better You

The Talmud counsels the following. Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow, grow." I love the imagery of this quote. Blades of grass are ubiquitous and uncountable. If every single one has an angel pushing it to grow, what can we glean from that? I take three things from it. Firstly, the direction of the universe is growth not decay. Secondly, the universe has limitless resources to encourage growth in every living thing. Finally, if the universe invests that heavily in the growth of a blade of grass, how invested is it in your growth?You might say, "Ray, the quote is just a metaphor not a reality." I wonder.Grass just grows. It has the confidence to be what is and grow into what it can be.It's certainly as if there's an angel whispering. What about us? Has the universe seen to the growth of grass, but not yours? No way! You're growth is critical for the unfolding of what is to be. Trust me, there's an angel there encouraging and supporting you to grow, grow too. You simply need to shut off the noise and listen for it.Here's to you growing, growing Here's to you getting out of your own way and letting nature take its course. Your angel has your back.Have an amazing Tuesday, my friends!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | PayPal