The 90 Year Old Rocking Chair - Day 197 of 365 Days to a Better You

Today's Affirmation

I seize my opportunities now!

It's out there waiting for all of us. It's that chair regret; that rocking chair we'll be sitting in at 90. It's a chair of regret because there's little left to do but reflect on the life we lived or...didn't.We're deciding today and every day whether we'll look back and smile, feeling fulfilled at what we achieved or whether we'll focus more on a long list of "I wish I would haves..."If you've got something you want to do, do it now. If there's someone you want to love, love them now. If there are experiences you seek, experience them now.I'm not suggesting becoming a narcissist or making life all about you 24/7. I am suggesting there's no better moment than now to have the things you want and be the person you want be.What are you waiting for? When are you waiting for? Do something nice for your 90 year old self today. Follow your dreams. He or she is smiling back at you right now.Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us