Busy Isn't Productivity Drop Useless Tasks - Day 195 of 365 Days to a Better You

"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." The great business guru Peter Drucker penned those words and he's pegged many of us well.If you really went through your day with a fine-tooth comb, how much of what you do is not really contributing to reaching your big goals - work goals, relationship goals, life goals?Henry David Thoreau supported this idea that being busy and getting real things done are not one and the same. "It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?"Organizing your emails, your sock drawer, or conducting meetings where everyone leaves with no more of a clue what their action items are is not productive. The email organization may be beautiful when completed. Your sock drawer may save you 15 seconds every morning. You may do killer facilitation of that meaningless meeting. What they all share in common is they haven't really moved the ball forward for you.Power hack: Audit your day today. Find those time-wasters and that busy work and remove it from your day, the rest of your week, and your whole calendar. You can achieve greatness with disastrous email filing system, a messy sock drawer, or one less mind-numbing meeting. You can't be great by not using that time to do things that really move you forward.Warning! Some of those time-sucks are like comfort food. You feel better with an organized email. You feel like you're getting stuff done because you're having meetings.Measure your outcomes not your activities. Did you achieve milestones that move your closer toward your goals or not? That's the only measure at the end of the day.Keep smiling. Keep shining. You are one in a trillion! Thanks for stopping by and for sharing this post.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us