Self-Confidence and Understanding - Day 173 of 365 Days to a Better You
Today's Affirmation
I look everyone I encounter squarely in the eye with sincere respect for them and complete confidence in myself. I am firm in my conviction that I am up to any reasonable challenge. I have the courage and understanding to meet the world on an equal footing; looking down on no one nor standing in awe of anyone.For everyone, beyond his or her position and burdens, is simply another human being doing the best possible given his or her current circumstances. Remembering this creates understanding within me and contributes to my peace of mind and success.
This affirmation speaks of courage, conviction, and the confidence to meet the world head on. When we allow our problems and challenges to take center stage in our lives it’s easy to fall into a cycle of diminishing self-confidence. We forget who we truly are and why we’re truly here. We forget our uniqueness and ignore our greatness.Worse, those feelings and that forgetfulness have ripple effects in the world. We don’t give ourselves the benefit of the doubt and we are even less likely to grant it to the next person. Our thoughts become narrow and judgmental and we don’t take into account the circumstances under which the next person is operating.The world can be a better place starting today, if only you will live with greater confidence. When you are confident your vision broadens and more possibilities open up. You see yourself and the world with balanced eyes that recognize your strengths as well as your opportunities for improvement.Ralph Waldo Emerson
is quoted as saying, “If I have lost confidence in myself, I have the universe against me.” Let’s keep the universe with us today. Pledge to believe in yourself at least a little more than yesterday. Meet the world as an equal and it is forced to treat you as one.You are amazing! Never doubt that for a moment! Thank you so much for reading the blog.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us