Political Aspirations - Day 174 of 365 Days to a Better You

There's an old political adage that says, "You get the politics you deserve." While that seems kind of harsh, given the politics we have, there's a lot of truth in it.Our politics, in the western democracies, is a mess. We're supposed to be beacons of human freedom and peace and justice, but we are less and less so all the time. Those high vibration ideals are often drowned out by lowest vibration politics that panders to fear, division, and avarice.As the situation progresses, many well-meaning people tune out of politics, considering it wasted energy and not an avenue for addressing their needs or powering their aspirations. This only pours more fuel on the fire as it powers low vibration actors across the spectrum.At it simplest level, politics is simply the means by which a civilized society shares ideas, shifts paradigms, and makes decisions. In a democracy or a democratic republic, those decisions are supposed to represent the will of the people. The truth is today they reflect powerful special interests that use their domination of the economic, political, and media systems to sell narratives to the populace, again using those lowest vibration arguments. The net of this is the will of the people is subverted by fear and misinformation.Power Hack: Here's why I agree with that old adage, though. You and I and our fellow citizens could change this situation in an instant, like a dog shaking off water, if we were able to organize around our common interests, cease our divisions, and turn our attention to those subverting the dialogue.That can only happen one person at a time and it can only happen to you if you weed out all the lowest vibration energy in you. Those are the energies that react to and resonate with messages aimed at lowest vibration human vulnerabilities.We must immunize ourselves against those messages by doing the work to weed them out in ourselves. We must demand politicians who speak to highest vibration energies like love, compassion, freedom, and peace. When we don't have them, we must stop electing them and elect candidates who do speak the the best in humanity.As for politician feigning their allegiance to such ideals but not in actions, we must hold them accountable and remove them from office as well. I would argue these considerations, if we want a higher vibration world and higher vibration outcomes, is more important than party, more important than race, more important than gender, more important than political ideology.Widespread support for leaders who speak for and act on higher vibration ideals, can and will transform our system into something that not only ends our immediate negative outcomes, but builds a foundation on which to build a different future for us all.Don't give up! Real political change is possible when we make it possible in ourselves.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us