7 Tips for Writing Powerful Affirmations - Day 172 of 365 Days to a Better You

Many affirmation gurus suggest that all affirmations be written in the first person. First person affirmations are the most effective when reading, writing, or saying affirmations. Most people do not feel comfortable looking into a mirror and using “you” affirmations. However, audio affirmations open up a whole new realm. Listening is more passive than speaking or reading and you are used to hearing people speak to you in the second person.My 30 years of experience with audio affirmations demonstrates that second-person affirmations are highly effective as audio affirmations. They offer “outside” confirmation of the first-person version of the affirmation.

  1. Commitment - keep in mind that the key to using affirmations – audio, written, or spoken – is commitment to your goal. Without a commitment to making the change or reaching your goal, affirmations are just words.
  2. Repetition – repetition is the engine of affirmation success. For an affirmation to do its job in transforming your thoughts, it has to get at least equal time with the negative thoughts you want to replace.
  3. How much/how often - speak, write, or listen to the first person affirmation 5-10 times and then repeat the second person affirmation the same number of times. Do this at least twice each day. Stay with the affirmation(s) for at least 30 days. Use them again if the old thoughts return.
  4. How to use first person affirmations – “Own” the first-person version. Speak or listen as if you are speaking passionately to yourself.
  5. How to use second person affirmations - ”Actively accept” the second person version. Speak or listen as if someone you respect is confirming your affirmation back to you. This is the way you received most of your negative affirmations from the outside world over time. That makes second-person affirmations a way to get one-for-one replacement of those old thoughts.
  6. How to use third person affirmations - listen to third-person affirmations in much the same way you do second-person affirmations. The difference is the power of your name. Your name is the most magical word in the world. We've been taught from an early age to instantly pay attention when someone says our name. Attention gives the affirmation more power.
  7. How to know you’re getting results – there are several criteria for recognizing an affirmation’s success.
    1. The old thought, behavior, or performance disappears or lessens.
    2. Your mood, thinking, behavior, or performance change in a positive direction.
    3. The old thought, behavior, or performance appears and your thinking immediately answers with the affirmation. This is really exciting. Your old thought is “I am stupid.” You think this thought and immediately it is answered by your affirmation, “I am highly intelligent.”

For example, following “I am beautiful” with “You are beautiful” provides subconscious external confirmation of the first-person claim.Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us