Breathe and Reflect - Day 63 of 365 Days to a Better You

Breathe and Reflect

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.Søren Kierkegaard

Reflection is critical to happiness and success. Go, go, go may be necessary sometimes to get things done. Without reflection and adjustment, you'll just go in circles.We are now into the third month of the year. Take some time to look back at your goals from the beginning of the year. What have you achieved and what have you not even started? Has something changed that makes your New Year's goals no longer applicable? We talked about staying fluid yesterday. Is it time to do some rework on your goals? That is allowed, you know.Most importantly, take some time today to look at the road you've traveled these past two months. Be proud of how far you've come on some things. Be gentle on those things that still need work or you haven't focused on yet. Be determined to give the time and attention to those things that are important!Power hack: Conduct a start, stop, continue analysis on where you are. Identify one thing you're committed to start doing. Identify one thing you're committed to stop doing. Identify one thing that's working well and you want to continue doing.Take a breath, adjust, and keep on going. There's a lot of year left. Big things await you!RayIf you do public speaking, check out my latest YouTube video with affirmations to support your success. If it helps you, please like and subscribe. I'm really working to build my YouTube channel in 2019.