Singer & Songwriter Affirmations


American Idol started it and now there are easily a dozen singing contest shows on American television. High School Musical popularized singing to young moviegoers and their parents and Glee made singing a primetime feature event. We've seen the immense popularity of Broadway musicals like Hamilton and 2017's movie The Greatest Showman.

Everyone loves to sing. Singing and listening to others sing makes us feel good. There are few forms of expression more compelling, more human than the sound of a human voice singing.

The singing contest show auditions have clearly demonstrated that not all of us should sing in public. Some of those with no gift love it so much that they are willing to risk a Simon Cowell one-line zinger to try out.I suppose there is some TV entertainment value in showing those auditions, but that is not the key. These shows are dream makers.

They have made instant megastars out of unknowns like Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. They have created careers for dozens of unknown singers who risked it all to hone their skills and pursue their bliss in front of millions.

Whether you have already achieved some success, you’re the next big thing waiting to happen, or you just love singing for the joy of singing, these affirmations are for you.

  • Even when the world says I’ll never make it as a singer, I know I can!

  • I fill the world with song and song fills me with life!

  • I am a world-class vocalist! I have superstar written all over me!

  • I am an absolute original! I put my unique stamp on every song I sing.

  • I know who I am as an artist and today I show the world.

  • Rejections are momentary setbacks not global calamities. I pull myself together and keep auditioning!

  • Music is my dream and today I am living that dream!

  • Right now I am attracting the songs that are taking my career to the next level.

  • I am the total package! I am a great singer with massive chart appeal!

  • I am a great singer. I am really hitting my stride as a recording artist.

  • I am the real deal…singer, songwriter, star!

  • When I perform for a big crowd, I absolutely feed on their positive energy.

  • Today I am writing the songs that will be remembered for generations.

  • A great singer lives within me! Today that singer takes the stage!

  • I know deep in my heart that I am the next (your favorite singer)!

  • I have a flexible voice that moves smoothly between song styles.

  • I am a great singer! When I’m on stage I have a powerful connection to my audience!

  • Every note I sing, takes me one step closer to stardom.

  • I am a one-of-a-kind vocalist. Big things are coming for me!

  • I am a great singer. The audience for my music is ever growing.

  • I am attracting my idea record deal right now!

  • I am a great singer. My best performance is always tonight’s performance. I love giving it all to my fans.


  • Today I am shooting an awesome video that attracts fans and takes my career to the next level!

  • Whenever I sing, the crowd loves me!

  • My songs make a difference in the lives of people!

  • When I sing a song, I own it!

  • I am a music superstar in the making!

  • My pitch is amazing each and every time.

  • The microphone is my canvass and today I create beautiful pictures.

  • A Top 40 artist lives within me. Today that artist shows up at the audition.

  • Making music is my bliss! I follow my bliss everyday!

  • My songs have meaning. My songs get noticed!

  • My best song yet is flowing out of me right now!

  • The best songwriter in my genre is sitting right here at my keyboard. Today that songwriter shows up in my songs!

  • Music is my gift and I freely share it with the world.

  • I am a good singer on my way to being a great singer!

  • I am a great singer on my way being a world-class singer!

  • My Grammy Awards are waiting for me. My singing demands them!

Stay inspired! Great things are on the way to you right now!
