16 Keys to Success and Happiness

Today's Affirmation:
I enhance my happiness and success by making smart, positive choices in my life.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I enhance my happiness and success by making smart, positive choices about my life.”

Here are 16 things you can do right now to drastically enhance your happiness and success.

  1. Eat right

  2. Exercise

  3. Get enough rest

  4. meditate

  5. Be thankful

  6. Be enthusiastic

  7. Think positively

  8. Be patient

  9. Let go of fear and harmful attachments

  10. Engage life fully in this moment

  11. Choose happiness

  12. Accept what is

  13. Keep improving yourself

  14. Make people not things and tasks the priority

  15. Share your life and yourself with others

  16. Never, ever give up.

Remember that your world is created in your mind long before it becomes visible. You are the director of your life.

Make today a great day!

Ray Davis
The Affirmation Spot

Post appeared on the original TAS blog on August 17, 2007.