Being A Rock to Others in Tough Times - The Affirmation Spot for Monday February 9, 2009

Today's affirmation:"I have the strength to be a light in this world and to make a positive impact on everyone I encounter today. May I see no one as too important or too unimportant to offer a smile or a kind word."rock_bouldersThere's no way around it we are traversing some challenging times right now. Major companies are announcing layoffs almost every day. Our leaders and the media use words like "catastrophe" to describe what is happening.How can we stay positive and help those around us stay positive in these times?You can be a rock to the people around you by carrying a smile on your face, looking people in the eye, and listening with interest and concern. Remember that everyone, regardless of their apparent position, is in the same boat - in this economy and in life.Little things really make a difference right now. Make it a point to give your family members or your co-workers some undivided attention, if they feel like they need to talk.Be the person who reassures them that things are working out for the best. Be the person who reminds them change is not good or bad, just different. Be the person who reminds them they have great things - maybe undiscovered - within them that are going to be given an opportunity to shine in this environment.By being rock to others, you strengthen your own mindset and shift the focus from your concerns to possible solutions and opportunities. Economies are cyclical like the seasons of the Earth.Dollars, Euros, and Yen are just representations of wealth. The true currency we deal in is the currency of the heart. In these difficult times, make it a point loan as much of that currency as you are able. Spread it around to those less able than you to see the positives and the possibilities right now.There is only one thing that is permanent in this life. It is neither triumph nor defeat. They are both temporary labels we place on events. The only truly permanent thing is possibility and the world is as ripe with it as it was six months ago.Keep that in mind. Share it with others. Be a rock in tough times.Stay inspired!Ray2009 Affirmation"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came to the planet to be!"