Are You Pole-Vaulting in Quick Sand?

Today's Affirmation:"I succeed by helping my clients succeed." (Click the affirmation to hear the mp3 version)pole_vault1The image is rather humorous to imagine, isn't it? Picture a pole-vaulter racing down the track and planting his pole in a vat of quick sand to launch. What do you think would happen?Yet many of us do that every day. Our careers, businesses, and personal lives are a lot like a pole-vaulting competition. As we progress, someone keeps moving the bar higher each time. Have we set a firm foundation for success?The pole represents the actions we take to "vault" over our goals. Our thoughts are the foundation we use to launch. If our thoughts are like quick sand - not empowering and supportive of our goals - then no amount of action is going to get us where we want to go. We have to have a solid foundation from which to launch our activity.Unfortunately, establishing and maintaining success-generating thoughts is not a "once and done" proposition.Henry David Thoreau once wrote:“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”Here are some simple steps to help you create a firm mental foundation for your actions.

  • Add Thinking Time - Many people forget to account for time to think, imagine, and dream. When you start a new project or create an action or business plan add "thinking time" into your time line as the first step. Thinking before you act creates a firm foundation for success.
  • Empower Your Thinking - Now that you've added thinking time focus on creating the kinds of thoughts that support your plans, goals, and dreams. Elevate your strengths and abilities and reduce focus on negatives and naysayers. Harness the power of your thinking to propel you forward rather than hold you back.
  • Rinse and Repeat - Keep the positive, empowered thoughts coming. As you move forward, you may encounter doubts or headwinds.  Your thoughts are a critical buffer to keep you going. Many, many people give up as soon as the obstacles appear because their thoughts have not prepared them to handle it. Stay focused on your mental game to keep your edge and weather storms.
  • Grow and Change - Even power thoughts can be misdirected. The point is not to beat your head against an unmovable wall. That is stubbornness not success. An empowered thinker is constantly reevaluating and adjusting course to keep steering towards the goal. Sometimes the goal even changes through the process. Be adaptable and ready transition your thoughts to support the new goal.

Particularly in the current environment, your thoughts are your life-line to keep you going. Make sure they are rock solid and not quick sand. The bottom line is that the first step to any achievement is an empowered thought. The secret to sustained success is constant maintenance of your thinking.Make getting your thoughts empowered, aligned, and on board the first step in every action plan or business plan you create. Don't try to pole-vault in quick sand.Think It! Believe It! Do It! Be It!Stay inspired!Ray2009 Affirmation"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"