Why You? Why Not You? - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday February 5, 2009

Today's Affirmation:"I am the engine for my dreams. My dreams never give up on me and I never give up on them." (Click the affirmation to hear the mp3 version)raised_arms_horizonI was exchanging emails with a friend yesterday. We share in common the goal to become published authors. I was encouraging her to push forward with a manuscript she has developed.We all have dreams and goals. What holds us back from achieving them? In every instance, someone is going to achieve our goals. Why not us?This conversation got me thinking. Every week there is a New York Times Best Seller List  released. Every week, like clock work, the list is filled with authors and their bestsellers. There is never a week when the list comes out empty with a message reading, "Sorry there are no bestsellers this week."Someone is going to be on that list. Why not you?The last time I checked there are 25 roster spots on every Major League baseball team. Not one baseball season has been cancelled because there were no players to fill the rosters.Someone is going to be on those rosters. Why not you?There is no legal limit to the number of millionaires in the world. I've never read an article in the paper saying that all the millionaire slots have been taken for the year.Someone is going to become a millionaire this year. Why not you?Maybe your thing is about making a difference in the world. Is your goal to protect the environment, help the hungry, or create peace in the world?There is no lack of need; only a lack of people willing to commit their lives to creating that change. Why not you?Somewhere, right now, people are creating the loving, mutually beneficial relationship you want in your life. There is no shortage of people looking for the same thing.People are finding that kind of love every day. Why not you? The world is full of opportunities and situations that are calling for your very particular and unique gifts and abilities. Whether you go for it or not, someone else will.They will write your book, play your shortstop position with the Red Sox, become the next millionaire, or change the world for the better. They will do it because they did one thing you haven't yet done. They took committed action with a suspended sense of disbelief.They stayed with it in those moments when it appeared as though failure was going to swamp their dreams. The journey to every dream has that dark moment of truth when the whole enterprise teeters on the brink of success or failure.The people doing the things you want to do remembered it is darkest right before the dawn. They did the little things every day that added up to big results at the end of the day.There is one question you have to answer before you answer, "Why not me?"That question is, "Why me?"Why should I be the next bestselling author? Why should I be the one to change the dynamics of world hunger? Clarify and strengthen the answer to that question every day.  As you do, you are generating a confident mission statement that is laying the ground work for the actions needed to succeed. Make your answer a resounding one that the world cannot ignore.When you have the answer and voice it regularly and confidently you're on your way! The best news of all is that it is never too late. If you're reading this, you still have what it takes to make it happen!Stay inspired!Ray2009 Affirmation"I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"