Random Thoughts #8 - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday January 8, 2009

lightbulb Occasionally, I like to share random thoughts that have been floating around in my mind. I don't know why they are there. The fact that they persist tells me I should share them with you. May they add meaning to your day and provoke consideration.

  • When love and peace win people are empowered. Where war and fear reign people are enslaved.
  • When there is a pill for everything there is a solution for nothing.
  • No government can grant you freedom you will not grant yourself. No government can deny you empowerment you have claimed for yourself.
  • Happiness is a limitless resource not a zero sum game.
  • The journey of a thousand miles may begin with the first step, but the first step is prompted by an empowered thought.
  • Life comes with no warranties. It is full of opportunity and peril and a little of each in the other. Seize your opportunities!

Stay inspired!Ray2009 AffirmationI am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!