Your Belief Inventory - The Affirmation Spot for Monday January 12, 2009

Today's Affirmation:"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be."(This is the official TAS affirmation for 2009. Click the affirmation to hear the mp3 version)yesterdayWhat you believe about you, your life, and the world impacts your experience of them. Your beliefs inform your thoughts and your thoughts generate your actions. And, of course, your actions create the world where you live. It's very important to be aware of your beliefs.Are your current beliefs fully conscious to you? Or, is your self-perception stuck in yesterday? Do you know what you believe today? Of course, the quick answer is "yes". Do you really?Just as a once- thriving river bed slowly dries up and changes course your beliefs can subtly shift over time almost without your knowledge. You don't notice it day to day, but over years the change can be dramatic.Life is an ever-changing adventure, but sometimes your self-perception and the perception of others does not keep up with who you are today.You and the people around you may have an outdated idea of who you are.Have you had the experience of really advancing in your professional or personal life only to have your family not recognize the change? You go home for the holidays and your mother still sees you and treats you like you're 13. It can be very frustrating when others fail to recognize the strides and leaps you have made in life. Their perception of you can become locked in time.When I was 25 I became seriously ill and spent several weeks in the hospital. One of the best internists in the city took my case. He became my personal physician for several years. He was a gifted and talented doctor, but he never let go of his vision of me as that sick person lying in a hospital bed. Finally, I had to move on and find a new doctor. His belief about who I was didn't keep up with reality.While frustrating when other people do this to you, you often do it to yourself. Has your perception of who you are kept up with the reality?Here is an idea to help you get in touch with who you are today. Complete a Belief Inventory.Take each of the following dimensions of your life (feel free to add your own) and write a brief description of your belief on that area of your life.Don't jump the gun. Give it some real thought. Really capture your true beliefs on each of these topics.Belief Inventory

  • Personality
  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Body image
  • Future
  • Spiritual life
  • Life
  • Politics

Here's the punchline. Now that you better understand where you really stand on these aspects of your life you can map a strategy for self-development based on where you really are instead of where you thought you were.If you're really bold, share it with family and friends and have them complete one on you. The feedback could be interesting and you will get a sense of who they think you are.Have fun with your Belief Inventory and I'd love to hear how it comes out.Stay inspired!RayRay Davis is the author of Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation - order your signed copy today at - founder of The Affirmation Spot and an advocate for the potential of the human race. He's life-long history buff and holds a B.S. in History Education. He's always been fascinated by alternative views of history.anunnaki_cover_full_colorAnunnaki Awakening: Revelation is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity's past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leaders seeks to unravel and reveal history's biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!