Be The Tortoise and The Hare

Today's Affirmation

I am a high achiever, but when I need down time I recognize it and take it!

Hey, you're a human being, not a robot. It's a wonderful thing to be a super achiever and most days you are. Wisdom, however, dictates that you recognize when enough is enough.

You all remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. It's a long race and you need to find respite now and again, if you are to complete it successfully. It's perfectly OK, and really necessary, to transition freely from hare to tortoise and back again.Your dreams are still there. They are not so fickle that they will spoil because you take one day to cool it!

The key is to recognize you need it and take it without beating yourself up the whole time. That defeats the purpose.You can be the hare again tomorrow, but on the days when you need to be the tortoise accept it.Make today peaceful, positive, prosperous, and, if you need it, a restful day!

Stay inspired!


2009 Affirmation: I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be.