Give Me a Lever - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday January 6, 2009

Today's Affirmation:"Aging gracefully...I love being in my forties and I'm making the most of them."(click the affirmation to hear the mp3 version)Archimedes of Syracuse - Greek MathematicianWe are now six days into 2009. Are you still absolutely committed to being the person you came here to be this year? Keep the momentum going.Hey, you're a human being. There are going to be ups and downs. If you can achieve more ups than downs this year, you will be closer to your goals and dreams at the end of this year. Stay with it!The Greek mathematician Archimedes is famous for saying:"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world."Archimedes, of course, was talking about the power of a lever to move physical things. He was making the point that the physical laws governing the use of a lever are not limited to small things. They work when applied to large things as well.There is a lot of metaphor - whether intended or not - in Archimedes' statement. The world seems like a big place sometimes and slow to change. When you set out to make a difference or have an impact in the world it can be daunting. You may question whether or not you can succeed.If you are pushing hard and nothing is happening, it doesn't mean you have a bad idea or concept. You may not have constructed a large enough "lever".Archimedes' lever is simply a tool he would employ to accomplish his goal of moving the world. Your tools are your talents, training, commitment, belief, and determination. If you are struggling to achieve a goal, ask yourself whether your "lever" is long enough? Are your skills, talents, and commitment up to achieving the desired goal? Do you need to enhance one area and then try again?Archimedes understood he could not move the world with a lever that was too small. That's why he qualified it by saying "long enough". You can achieve absolutely anything you can conceive. Maybe it's not that your dream is too big, but that your lever is too short.  Bring a long enough lever and you will get the job done.2009 is your year of empowerment!