The Birds Have Vanished Into the Sky - The Affirmation Spot for Monday January 5, 2009

Today's Affirmation:"I am attracting and finding new clients for my business every day."(click the affirmation to get the mp3)mountain_mtfugiBeautiful poetry is a doorway into the realm of the soul. For me and I hope you, it can be a highly inspiring and beautiful form of communication.China has one of the longest and richest poetic traditions in the world.Li Po (also sometimes called Li Bai) was an 8th century Chinese poet. He is considered by many to be one of the two greatest poets in the long history of Chinese literature.Approximately 1100 of his poems have survived the centuries. "The Birds Have Vanished Into The Sky" is perhaps his most famous in the Western world."The Birds Have Vanished"(English translation by Sam Hamill)The birds have vanished into the sky,and now the last cloud drains away.We sit together, the mountain and me,until only the mountain remains.There are numerous analyses of this poem available on the Internet. I could offer one today as well. However, poetry is an individual experience.What it means is what it means to you.Be awesome in '09!Ray2009 AffirmationI am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be.