The Person You Came to the Planet to Be - The Affirmation Spot for Friday January 2, 2009

Today's Affirmation

This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be.!

Unless you adhere to the most skeptical view of evolution, you probably believe that life has a purpose. There is a reason you - and everyone and everything that shares this planet with you - are here. Your very presence is a certifiable miracle. Literally trillions of events in the history of this universe had to happen just right for you to be here. If any one of them had happened another way, then no you.

In my book, that makes your existence rather significant.That begs the question. Why are you here? What are you here to be? More than likely you know the answer to that question. It's hidden or forgotten somewhere deep inside of you, but it is there. You've had inklings of it throughout your life. There are those things you just love doing and experiencing. There are places you just love to be. Perhaps at one time you dreamed of doing those things or being in those places. Somewhere along the line your dreams and reality collided. You gave up on the dreams to live in "reality." "They" told you your dreams were not realistic and you bought it.

My question to you is do your dreams and your reality have to be conflict? Can your dreams become your reality?

The great thinkers and spiritual teachers of our species have been clear and unequivocal in their conviction that our dreams can be our reality. Few things have been more universally taught.That's not to say that you can blink your eyes "Genie-style" and your wish becomes your life. It takes action and believing. There may be challenges. You might have to make hard choices. None of the great sages ever promised otherwise.

Are your dreams worth it or not? The joy and jubilation created by the new year will pass and "real life" will begin again. The momentum you need to make the changes you are promising yourself this year need to be boosted by something inspirational, if they are to survive.Your dreams fit the bill perfectly. Suspend your disbelief and start walking in the direction of your dreams. As you get in better "dream shape" pick it up to a jog.

By the end of the journey, you will be in full sprint towards your dreams. Soon you will be embracing your deepest dreams and spending your days living your dreams instead of...well...dreaming about them. Belief and commitment are the only price of admission.It's time to "show up" and be the people we came here to be in 2009! Are you with me?

Stay awesome!



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