Remember to Reward Yourself - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday April 30, 2008

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Today’s featured affirmation is:

"I know what achieving my goal feels like. I know what it smells like and tastes like. I know what achieving my goal looks like and sounds like. I envision my life with my goal attained." (repeats 4 times)

"You know what achieving your goal feels like. You know what it smells like and tastes like. You know what achieving your goal sounds like and looks like. You envision your life with your goal attained." (repeats 4 times)

Hear an audio mp3 version of this affirmation right now.

April caught this rainbow framing the Honolulu skyline before our cruise sailed.There is one thing that is so often overlooked by people pursuing business, spiritual, or personal goals. You have to remember to reward yourself once in a while.It's easy to get caught up in the pursuit and forget to enjoy the fruits. Our big reward this year was our trip to Hawaii. We spoiled ourselves a little by going two years in a row, but we're worth it and so are you!Your reward is whatever rejuvenates, refreshes, or reinspires you to get back on the path or back in the fight. Take the time to figure out what those things are and use them as the carrots that spur you along as you pursue your objectives, goals, and dreams.If I gave you 60 seconds right now, could you name five things that do that for you or your family? You need to know these things and keep them in front of you to help you through the tough spots that inevitably come into our lives.Reward yourself! You're worth it. Your family is worth it. April and me are starting a vision board. It's a term that describes the latest incarnation of the old goals board. You place pictures, items, and words on a board that keep you focused on your goals and their rewards. They need not be things. They can be experiences. They can be changes you want to see in the world. Whatever inspires YOU!Trendy, yes I know, but it's a very effective way to help you visualize where you are going, what keeps fuel in your tank, and why you are doing that 16-hour day today.Hawaii Part IOK. I promised some play-by-play of Hawaii and some pictures. Today is part one. I will work the rest of the story into upcoming posts.April 18 and April 19We arrived in Honolulu on Friday April 18 and checked in to the beautiful Pacific Beach Hotel on Waikiki. April snapped this gorgeous photo of the sun setting with sailboats in the foreground.The sand was white and soft and the sunset was memorable. We enjoyed a small taste of the Waikiki night life taking in some hula dancers and a local band at the outdoor hotel coffee shop.Saturday we enjoyed some shopping and sightseeing near the beach before boarding Norwegian Cruise Line America's Pride of America. The ship sailed at 8 p.m. leaving the lights of Honolulu behind and setting course for Hilo.April 20Sunday morning we arrived in Hilo and managed to catch the site of one of the few lingering humpback whales that had not left yet for Alaska. We had a date with the world's most active volcano Mt. Kiluwea. Our maiden excursion on this cruise was an eight-mile bike ride around the rim of the volcano.The weather was chilly and rainy and felt more like Seattle than Hawaii. However, the volcano did not disappoint. The photo shows April and me decked out for our rainy bike ride with the volcano's main vent spewing in the background.That evening the ship backed up along the Hilo coast allowing us to see the volcano at night.While not as impressive as last year, Kiluwea was hard at work creating the newest land on Earth. April got this photo of two lava streams flowing into the ocean and the smoke being generated as 2000 degrees meets the cool waters of the Pacific.That night we enjoyed a beautiful night at sea with a near full moon lighting the way. We slept with sliding glass door to the balcony open and drifted off to sleep to the gentle rocking and hypnotic sound of the placid Pacific. be continuedRewards, my friends, whatever yours might be are so important. Keep them in front of you. Don't feel guilty for experiencing them. They are the sweet nectar gleaned from your hard work, your patient striving, and your hard-won success.Stay peaceful stay positive stay prosperous!Ray