Hawaii Part II: Your Personal Road to Hana - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday May 6, 2008

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Today’s featured affirmation is:

"I am a visionary. I see and respond to trends well ahead of the pack." (repeats 3 times)

"You are a visionary. You see and respond to trends well ahead of the pack." (repeats 3 times)

Hear an audio mp3 version of this affirmation right now.

Good morning! My apologies for the sporadic posts of late. We returned from Hawaii to a lot of work and then I got blasted with some bronchitus. I'm human like everyone else.Today is part two of our Hawaii trip and, of course, it would not be The Affirmation Spot if I failed to tie it to something in our lives.We left our intrepid voyagers sailing from Hilo to Maui on Day 3 of their trip. We awoke to see the beautiful Western Maui mountains from our balcony as we cruised into Kahului, Maui.The harbor in Kahului is a working harbor. Normally, you find ships and barges being unloaded by giant cranes and lines of trucks ready to supply island's ever-growing need for supplies.It's also not unusual, morning or night, to see some of the local canoe racing clubs practicing on the course laid out in harbor.Our Day 1 Maui excursion was the Road to Hana. Hana is a small, remote town on Maui's southeast coast. The area was one of the last on the island to be modernized. There was no paved road to the area until 1926. The town is situated between a giant rainforest and the coast. It is also the heart of Maui's cattle industry and you can see the odd sight of cattle grazing right next to white sandy beaches.For those of you who have never been, "The Road to Hana" spans 52 miles from the port and features, 617 curves, 56 one-lane bridges, many more two-lane hairpin turns around jagged rock, and sheer drops that reveal some of the most unspoiled coastline in the islands.There are places along the Hana Road that are just too beautiful not to stop. April snapped these photos during our stop at Honomanu Bay.   There was lush rainforest foliage and majestic jungle waterfalls. The African Tulip Trees were in full bloom.    What begins as a 52-mile drive turns into quite a journey and experience. Because of the mountain roads, it takes about 3 hours to get to Hana (and that was on a nice day). The road, the awesome beauty, the changes from jungle, to jagged coastline, to farmland remind me of our lives.We start with the best of intentions on a straight line towards our goals in life. Along the way, life has its twists and turns like The Road to Hana. We have to adjust and deal with the curves and not let them distract or deter us from our goals. As we gain wisdom, we come to understand that the unexpected detours are often what adds the value and the meaning to our experience of life. Without them, our lives would be mundane and boring even if they might be easier.In the end, if we ride the curves and stand by our dreams we are rewarded for the effort. On the Road to Hana that reward comes at the magnificent Halekala National Park. The O'heo (Seven Sacred) pools and an awe-inspiring view of the untamed Pacific are the reward on this journey.    Here nature fills your senses demanding that you take stock and reflect on your journey. The sound of the wild Pacific pounding against the Maui coast drowns confusion and doubt. It washes away care and concern and leaves you feeling at one with all you see. This is definitely worth the journey!This is the feeling we experience when we achieve our goals and dreams too. All the hardship we experienced along the road is graciously welcomed as experience. All the naysayers and negatives vanish like the ghosts they always were. We are left in awe that we could be so blessed.Maybe today you are only on curve 201 of 614 on the way to your dream. That's Ok. Maybe one of the beautiful sights along the way has momentarily distracted you. Don't sweat it. If your dreams have meaning, you will continue on the road. You will get back on track and you will finish your personal Road to Hana.I know you can do it! Those who turn back never see the dreams. Those who continue the journey one day at a time will find their reward.Stay inspired!Ray