Happy as You Want to Be - The Affirmation Spot for Saturday April 25, 2008

Well, our beautiful cruise in Hawaii is drawing to a close. I am planning a detailed blog when we return describing our wonderful experience.Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." I was struck with this today while waiting in line for two eggs over easy in the cafe on the ship. I listened as another passenger berated the cook about her poor experience aboard ship and how she'd heard from other people how much better other ships are.This is April's and my second Freestyling trip aboard Norwegian and we love it. This woman was complaining about the food, the service, the excursions...just about everything to this poor cook who has been working his tail off all week to take care of our needs.I got to thinking that NCL is not responsible for this woman's happiness on her vacation to Hawaii. She is. It's a metaphor for all of us.Our company and our boss are not responsible for our happiness at work. What we make or don't make of our jobs is up to us. The same is true in every area of our lives. We are responsible for our own happiness. It's not our parents or friends or circumstances or income that create or deplete our happiness. It is us and our mindset. It is our willingness to change what we don't like and try to make it better.Lincoln was right. We are about as happy as we make up our minds to be. Are you as happy as you want to be? If not, it's time to do something about it. We all have the capability and the talent to change our situation for the better and make ourselves happier.The question is will you?Aloha from mid ocean between beautiful Kauai and Oahu.Be peaceful Be positive Be prosperous!Ray