Prayer of Affirmation - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday March 6, 2008

ray_launchpad.jpgWhat Ray's reading right now:

April and I are reading A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. This is the latest Oprah's Book Club selection. Oprah and the author Eckhart Tolle are hosting a 10-week online course covering this book began Monday March 3. The program begin each Monday evening at 9:00 eastern, 8:00 central time in the U.S. They recommend reading the book before the class. You can register for free at
Today’s featured affirmation is:

“My thoughts, my words, my actions really do create my world. That is why I think great thoughts, I say great words, and I take great actions."
Hear an audio mp3 version of this affirmation right now.

Today's article is a prayer I wrote back in 1993. I was at a very low moment in my life. On a particularly depressing day, this prayer suddenly emerged into my thinking. I felt compelled to pick up a pen and paper and write it down. It just seemed to gush out of me.The whole process took less than 10 minutes. For me, this prayer is a reminder that even the darkest moments of our lives contain within them the seeds of our healing.I call it Prayer of Affirmation because, as you will see, the prayer is full of affirmations for the person praying it and for our world. May it bring something meaningful to your day.christian_girl_praying.jpgI ask that I might be an instrument of peace in the world today. May I take care to think only thoughts that lead to a positive world for myself and for others. Help me to bear in mind the effect my thoughts have on the world that I come to experience. May I join with other compassionate souls to lend my thoughts and efforts to creating a better tomorrow for us all.I am taking action to make the world a better place in every I affect it today. May I find peace and healing for myself as I work to be part of the solution in the world.Grant me the strength within to love all living things and to make a positive impact on every soul I encounter today. May I attract positive people and circumstances to me that I may be more effective in my undertakings. May no one be too important nor to unimportant to greet with a kind word.I seek the strength to live completely in love; releasing all my fears. I grant forgiveness to myself for all I hold against myself and for all I hold against another. May I be a tool of healing in the world.I ask for the fortitude to be the embodiment of selfless harmony to whatever extent I am able today. I will be generous with my time, my resources and myself to the best of my ability without resentment or reluctance. For I know that what I give others I give to myself as well.I seek happiness, peace, and freedom from suffering today. As such, I wish it for all beings as well. I am thankful for all that I have been granted. I am thankful for the beauty and harmony that exists all around me, if only I am willing to see it.Finally, I seek a patient acceptance as events unfold in my life. Help me to see the big picture and not get bogged down by unimportant details. I understand that all I experience is chosen by me at some level for my benefit. Thus, I seek to understand, to learn, and to open myself to new possibilities.AmenBe peaceful Be positive Be prosperous!Ray offers downloadable mp3 affirmations, meditations, and visualizations for nearly every area of life - sports, sales, wealth and prosperity, health and fitness, personal growth - to name just a few. Our library is growing all the time. Remember your fifth affirmation on each order is always free.