A Challenge to Change - March 5, 2008 (Updated 5/22/2022)

Today's Affirmation

A new sense of purpose is totally permeating my being. I am upbeat and moving toward my goals.

I hope everyone is enjoying the last gasps of winter. Now the time has come to begin moving into a Spring mentality.

Seasonal changes are gentle reminders that change is an inevitability in our lives.  The question for us to answer is whether we will be the authors of the change or its victims? Change is a hot commodity right now. The presidential candidacy of Barack Obama has focused on change as a theme.We seem to want change, but we must embody any change we hope to see in ourselves or in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi said, "We must be the change we want to see in the world."

Here is a question for you.

Are you where you want to be in your life? Personally, spiritually, financially? Are you ready to be the change you want to see in your life?

You know the changes you want to make. Somewhere you probably have a list of changes you want to make. They're probably left over from some New Year's resolutions or the plan you started planning a new life strategy last summer. Human nature, though, is to put them off. We convince ourselves to wait for a better time.

Mark Twain once said, "I fully support progress. It's change that I object to."

As ever, Twain was speaking tongue-in-cheek, but his statement is true of many of us much of the time. We want t to improve our circumstances. We are simply unwilling to make the changes necessary to bring the improvements about. And so, we miss out on tremendous benefits that we might have enjoyed.

Change is a difficult because we find, upon reflection, that we operate a large portion of our lives on auto-pilot. Our modern society often has us so stretched by external concerns that addressing your interior life takes a back seat. We find ourselves lacking the energy and the insight to shift our perspectives in ways leading to the kind of personal growth we want to achieve.

Is that how you really want to go through life?

So, challenge yourself this week to take the time for some self-reflection.  Focus on the changes you would really like to see in your life.  Develop the insight necessary to make them happen. If you start now, by the time the grass starts to green and the temperatures start to change for the warmer, you will be well on your way to changing too. 

Be peaceful Be positive Be prosperous!


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